
Random Nekos: nbapi.random.neko()

-By default WILL only show images with a source.


source=True/False - Shows image source and ID (for reporting)

check=True/False - Check if image has a source or not.

min,max(default:false)=int() - Input minimum or maximum ID values (eg ID 1 through 20)

-By default max is False (get total amount of images on API) and min is 1

-NOTE: if this value is below a certian amount, the API will return a infinite while True loop.

Random Anime: nbapi.random.anime()


source=True/False - Shows image source and ID (for reporting)

check=True/False - Check if image has a source or not.

min,max(default:false)=int() - Input minimum or maximum ID values (eg ID 1 through 20)

-By default max is False (get total amount of images on API) and min is 1

-NOTE: if this value is below a certian amount, the API will return a infinite while True loop.